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Every season, student instrumentalists and singers take part in spiritual concert productions under professional conditions.

The "Pépinière of Le Concert Spirituel"

Committed to sharing his musicological discoveries, Hervé Niquet has given Concert Spirituel a transmission dimension, which has been fully integrated into its project. Hosting students in productions gives them professional experience and prepares them for their future life as musicians.

Pépinière of Le Concert Spirituel

The "Pépinière of Le Concert Spirituel" is a partnership with the CRR de Paris and the PSPBB. For several years now, the partnership between Le Concert Spirituel, the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional of Paris and the Pôle Supérieur d'enseignement artistique Paris Boulogne-Billancourt has enabled around forty students to benefit from this professional integration programme and our professional experience.

The aims and objectives of the partnership are to promote the training and professional integration of students by placing them, during their training, in conditions similar to those they will face once they have obtained their diploma. The aim is to give them practical experience of the realities of the profession and to familiarise them with the learning and demands of the stage.

Students are selected by audition, coordinated by Hervé Niquet. Whenever possible, he personally takes part in these auditions, which are rich in exchanges and lessons for the students.

Trainee musicians

Each year, trainee musicians join one or two productions of Le Concert Spirituel. They take part in the ensemble's rehearsals and concerts/performances.
Each student is accompanied and supported by a tutor chosen from within the orchestra or the choir.
These experiences have proved very positive, both for the teaching staff at the PSPBB and the Paris CRR, and for the students and the Concert Spirituel team, with very good results observed by the orchestra's tutors:
- responsiveness and adaptation to the interpretations requested by the conductor,
- modulation of style and sound,
- adaptability to the logistical constraints linked to the different stages of the production and autonomy,
- human contribution to the teams.

Since 2023, Le Concert Spirituel has also been welcoming students to observe the administrative life of the ensemble.
As cultural outreach is an integral part of the musician's profession today, involving students in the design and production of a cultural action project gives them a better understanding of the issues involved.